Breast Centre

Breast diseases, especially breast cancer, affect key areas of life and often cause anxiety. Our specialists aim to alleviate your fears and support you on your journey.

Our Brustzentrum is your first point of contact after you or your doctor have discovered an abnormality in your breast. You will get to know our specialists during consultations with them. In many cases, it will already possible to rule out breast cancer at this stage.

But even with a definite diagnosis of ‘breast cancer’, many patients can now be fully cured. Diagnosed at an early stage, breast cancer can often be operated on in a way that conserves more of the breast and the lymph nodes. It is essential to use the most modern diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures.

We determine the further course of treatment with you and your family during the breast consultation. An interdisciplinary team of gynaecologists, a breast care nurse, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, oncologists and genetic counsellors decide on further treatment together with you in a weekly meeting. We always take the latest scientific knowledge into account and are constantly up to date.

Our medical teams work closely and in coordination with the nursing, physiotherapy and psycho-oncology specialists. Pastoral care workers complement and support the doctors and nursing staff in their daily work. We also work with an extensive network of regional referring doctors.

At Brustzentrum Zürich Plus along with our partner, Brust-Zentrum Zürich, we offer our patients comprehensive and professional diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases.

Contact us

We will be happy to answer your questions in a one-to-one conversation.

Contact form

Key areas and specialities

Prevention & diagnosis


Second opinions

Surgical interventions

Drug therapy

Breast care nurse

Genetic counselling

Follow-up care

Breast Centre - our services

Prevention & diagnosis

In our breast consultation, we identify changes in the breast and advise you on different treatment options.


Breast cancer is still the most common cancer in women and therefore requires very decisive action.

Breast care nurse

The breast care nurse gives you practical advice and provides emotional support.

Follow-up care

We will also be here for you after treatment. Regular follow-up after treatment is of the utmost importance.

Genetic counselling

A small proportion (5 to 10%) of all breast cancers are genetic and caused by a gene mutation.


Spital Limmattal
Urdorferstrasse 100
CH-8952 Schlieren

+41 44 733 11 11

Besucher sind täglich von 13.30 bis 20.00 Uhr herzlich willkommen.
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